Semester A
- Experimental Design and Statistical Analyses + Practice
- Scientific Writing and Presentation
- Environmental Pollution and Risk Assessment
- Water and Environment
- Introduction to Economics of Natural Resources (Elective)
- Basic Irrigation Systems (Elective)
- Remote Sensing of Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Processes (Elective)
- Time Series Analysis for Environmental Sciences (Elective)
- Research Methods (three semesters)
Semester B
- Financing Impact and Sustainable Development
- Environmental Microbiology (Elective)
- Workshop from Theory to field
- Biological Pest Control (Elective)
- Weed Management (Elective)
- Economics of Growth and Development (Elective)
- Plant-Atmosphere Gas Exchange Investigation (Elective)
- Contemporary Approaches to Plant Physiology (Elective)
- Environmental Friendly Weed Management- Principles And Application (Elective)
Semester A+B+C
Semester C
The curriculum is subject to change.