On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are pleased to invite you to attend the 2nd Pears Foundation Alumni Symposium in Plant Sciences, entitled "Knowledge Sharing - A Key for Enhancing Agricultural Productivity".
Sustaining food production for the rapidly increasing world population under diminishing resources is a major challenge facing global agriculture. While certain countries, such as Israel, managed to adopt modern agro-technologies and considerably increase their crop production over the last half a century, other countries are still lagging behind in this respect. Closing this gap by promoting agricultural practices in least-developed countries is among the most promising strategies to enhance crop production and food security where it is most needed.
Pears Foundation of London, UK, works to create meaningful social change and inspire people to support their communities. Pears Foundation provides scholarships for students from developing countries to acquire postgraduate (MSc) degrees in public health and agriculture at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.
This international symposium aims to bring alumni in Plant Sciences and other young professionals, together with Israeli and worldwide experts to exchange ideas on knowledge transfer and agricultural development. In so doing, the symposium will equip these young professionals with a complementary toolbox of knowledge transfer and enhance their capacity to foster development and adoption of advanced agro-technologies for the well-being of the rural communities in their countries, and contribute to global food security.
The symposium will consist of keynote lectures, case study presentations, panel discussions and a field trip.
Visit: http://pearsworkshop.agri.huji.ac.il/symposium2015/index.php