The International School offers four 12-month non-thesis degree programs:
Plant Sciences; Environmental Quality Sciences; Nutritional Sciences; Animal Sciences
These 12-month, non-thesis programs are comprised of state-of-the-art theory, scientific approach and practical application. A broad curriculum prepares students to become highly qualified professionals in their fields. The Hebrew University degree opens the door to key positions in government, private sector, NGOs, industry, advisory boards, and hospitals, as well as to PhD studies in Israel and abroad. Participation in the International MSc programs is a life-changing experience. Students benefit from a supportive academic environment while learning about Israeli society and culture, and interacting with a diverse group of international students.
Students who fulfill the requirements may be eligible to transfer to the thesis track at the Faculty after successfully completing the non-thesis track.
12 Month Master of Science Degree in Plant Sciences
Next program: October 2024 - September 2025
Alon Samach, Associate Professor
The Robert H. Smith Institute for Plant Sciences and Genetics in Agriculture
Academic Program Head, International MSc in Plant Sciences
The achievements of Israeli agriculture are renown worldwide. At its inception, the country was largely arid, rocky, and overgrown with weeds, bare mountains, barren fields, infested marshes, and an undeveloped water supply. Some of the most basic foods were imported. Today, Israel is a fertile and blooming land that exports its own agricultural products and has become a leader in irrigation systems, groundwater management, crop production, horticulture, biotechnology, biological and integrated pest control, and more. Israel's agriculture is a showcase demonstrating the ability to work with nature in order to create a friendlier environment.
One of the key factors in Israel's agricultural success has been the close relationship between growers in the fields, research and development teams in industry, and the academic community. Constant mutual feedback makes research more responsive to real-life needs and gives those in the field the advantage of immediate access to new developments in the laboratories of academic institutions.
At the heart of this academic community is the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. The Hebrew University has the only Faculty of Agriculture in Israel, enjoying a unique status in the country. The Faculty acts as Israel's main source for the training of teachers, extension officers and researchers.
The international Master of Science in Plant Sciences prepares students to become leading professionals in present and future agriculture and adapt their new knowledge to local conditions in their home countries. Students will acquire advanced knowledge and skills in the scientific basis and principles of crop plant production, environmental impact of agricultural activity, analysis of specific cropping systems, seeking solutions to practical problems, either in scientific literature or by experimental approach, and adapting appropriate solutions to various situations.
The one-year program leads to a non-thesis M.Sc. Agri in the field of Plant Sciences specializing in field and vegetable crops. After successful completion of the first year, qualified graduates can be reviewed for admission to the thesis track for a second year of studies to earn a thesis degree, and continue for a PhD degree either in Israel or elsewhere. Upon completion of their studies, the majority of alumni return to their home countries, where they hold key positions in industry, education, academics, research, NGOs and government organizations.
Plants and Environment Application deadlines:
Link to registration: will be posted before the registration period begins
Next program October 2024 - September 2025
The 12-month program in Environmental Quality Sciences offers both theoretical and practical knowledge, alongside hands-on experience, to address key global environmental issues. These issues encompass food security under climate change, the development of efficient and sustainable green cities, improving outdoor and indoor air quality through the use of vegetation, exploration of alternative water and energy resources, treatment of water and soil pollution, waste recycling, agricultural intensification and precision agriculture, implementation of environmentally-sustainable pest control and plant protection, and economics of natural resources.
In addition to the required core courses, students are encouraged to select elective courses from two main clusters: i) Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum Physics; ii) Environmental Biology.
Throughout the 12-month program, students are required to complete a research project under the supervision of a researcher from the Faculty of Agriculture, Food, and Environment, The Hebrew University.
The courses offered in the program are taught by leading scientists in environmental quality sciences in Israel. Students benefit from an international atmosphere, site visits, field trips, and cultural events.
Semester A
Semester B
Semester A+B+C
Semester C
The curriculum is subject to change.
The next Plant Sciences and Environmental Quality Sciences programs will be held in the October 2026 - September 2027 academic year.
Academic Co-Chairs of the International MSc in Nutritional Sciences
![]() |
Dr. Aliza Stark Senior Faculty |
About the Program
Nutritional and Food Sciences are rapidly expanding areas of research that are making major contributions to health promotion. As the relationship between diet and disease is better understood, advancements are being made to improve the nutritional value of foods and to increase the variety of products on the market that have added health and nutritional benefits.
The international Master of Science in Nutritional Sciences (non-clinical) prepares students to become leading professionals in the field of nutritional sciences and to apply their newly acquired knowledge to nutritional challenges in their home countries. Students learn the fundamentals of nutrition based on the most recent scientific findings. The program also prepares students for research and doctoral level programs. Please note: this is not a clinical degree; it does not qualify a student to become a licensed dietitian*.
The one-year program leads to a non-thesis M.Sc. Nutr degree (Master of Science in Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition). After successful completion of the first year, qualified graduates may submit a request to be reviewed for admission to the thesis track for a second year of studies to earn a thesis degree, and continue for a PhD degree either in Israel or elsewhere. Following graduation, the majority of alumni return to their home countries, where they hold key positions in health and nutrition promotion, education, academics, research, NGOs and government organizations. Several of our alumni have chosen to continue their studies towards a PhD degree in programs around the world including leading universities in Canada, Switzerland, Denmark and Japan.
One of the key factors of the success of the program is the close relationship between the Faculty of Agriculture and clinical and public health nutritionists, along with research and development teams in the food industry and the academic community. On-going collaboration allows for access to state-of-the-art research developments in the field and innovative approaches to address practical needs. At the heart of this academic community is the Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
The Hebrew University is one of the most prominent and respected institutions in the world. As the leading Israeli institution awarding academic degrees in Nutritional and Food Sciences, the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment has a unique status in the country. Our graduates include executives in the Ministries of Health and Agriculture and leading members of the food industry. Within the Faculty, the Institute of Nutritional and Food Sciences is comprised of the School of Nutritional Sciences and the Department of Food Sciences. Institute staff include many of the principal Israeli researchers in these fields.
*To become a registered dietitian in Israel (RD), one must earn a bachelor's degree in dietetics, food, nutrition or a related area, complete a 6-12 month internship through the Ministry of Health, and pass a written exam which will lead to a license to practice.
Academic Requirements for MSc in Nutritional Sciences
The curriculum is subject to change.
*A limited number of scholarships is available for applicants from developing countries. Selection is highly competitive.
Academic Chair of the International MSc Program in Animal Sciences
Prof. Sameer J. Mabjeesh
Professor, Ruminants Nutrition and Lactation Physiology
About the Program
The Master of Science in Animal Sciences aims to prepare students to become leading professionals in modern agriculture and contribute newly-acquired skills and knowledge for the benefit of agriculture in their home countries. Students will learn the fundamentals of Animal Sciences based on the most recent scientific findings and understand the “science” behind animal sciences, animal physiology, farm animal production and the environmental impact of agricultural activity. The program also prepares students for participation in doctoral-level programs.
Following graduation, the majority of alumni return to their home countries, where many of them hold key positions in the area of governmental administration of animal production, management of farm animals, farm animal husbandry, and consultation and research in these fields in universities or private institutes. Several of our alumni have chosen to continue their studies towards a PhD degree in leading universities around the world.
The one-year program leads to a non-thesis Master of Science in Agriculture with a major in Animal Sciences. Qualified students may apply to the thesis track for a second year of studies after completing the first year of the program.
Israel's advanced agriculture is most evident in the field of farm animal production. Israeli animal husbandry and management is among the most productive in the world, thanks to its sophisticated infrastructure based on the integration of science-based production methods with efficient extension services and an advanced health supporting veterinary service. The Robert H. Smith Faculty's teaching and research activities continue to play a central role in advancing agriculture to strengthen the Israeli economy while training tomorrow's scientists and agriculturists; protecting and rehabilitating the environment while increasing food production and reducing world hunger; mobilizing agriculture to meet human health needs and improving the quality and purity of agricultural products; and sharing the benefits of Israeli research and innovation with other nations.
The Smith Faculty's Department of Animal Sciences is engaged in research at levels of the molecule, cell and organ, while maintaining a clear perspective of the farm animal as a whole. The department activities include the following thematic areas:
The curriculum is subject to change.
Are the programs taught in English?
Which programs do you offer?
Four accelerated non-thesis graduate programs in Plant Sciences, Environmental Quality Sciences, Nutritional Sciences and Animal Sciences.
Are all of the 4 programs held every year?
Plants and Environment are held in even years; Nutrition and Animal are held in odd years. For example: In 2023-24 Nutrition and Animal; in 2024-25 Plants and Environment.
How can I apply to a program?
The application period for each program begins on December 1 of the previous year. For example: December 1, 2022 for the 2023-24 Nutrition and Animal programs.
An Application Handbook and forms are posted on our website a few months before the application period. Click here for the next application.
How long are the programs?
Each program is 12 months, from October to September, including a summer semester.
What kind of degree do graduates receive?
A non-thesis Hebrew University master’s degree in the selected field
How can I get a thesis degree?
During the one-year non-thesis track offered by the International School, students are assisted with finding a supervisor and then transferring to the thesis track after completing the program. The student must also meet the grade and other requirements. Click here for more information.
Alternatively, you can apply directly to the Faculty of Agriculture's two-year thesis master degree program. More information:
What is the tuition?
Tuition is approx. $10,500 per program for international students / approx. $8,400 for Israeli students/olim hadashim.
Are there scholarships or financial aid?
There is a partial scholarship for self-funding students and full scholarships for students from economically developing countries.
What do the scholarships cover?
Partial scholarships cover part of the tuition. Full scholarships cover tuition, student visa, student dormitory, health insurance, and a living stipend.
Apart from tuition, what other expenses should I anticipate?
Application fee, round-trip airfare, visa fees, health insurance, housing, and living expenses. Including tuition, the entire year would cost approximately $30,000-40,000 depending on your lifestyle.
I applied to one of the programs and was not offered a scholarship. I cannot afford the costs. What can I do now?
Research the Internet for other sources, for example: ; your government, your house of worship, your employer.
Where can I work after graduation?
It depends on your undergraduate degree and your country. Graduates of our programs work in NGO’s, academics, research institutes, community groups, hospitals, government agencies, start-ups, established companies. Many also continue for a PhD at the Faculty or in universities worldwide
Where is the program taught?
Classes are held at the Rehovot campus of the Hebrew University, which is in the center of Israel.
Is it a full time program? Will I be able to work?
Because they are accelerated programs, they are full-time (4-5 days per week) and very intensive. International students are not permitted to work since they do not have a work visa.
As an international student, do I need a visa to study in the program?
Unless you are an oleh/olah hadash/a or have a status in Israel, you are required to have a student visa. The International School helps with this process.
Who teaches the courses?
Faculty of Agriculture teachers, external experts and researchers from Volcani Institute (Agricultural Research Organization).
Are there accommodations? Is it included in the price? What is the cost?
The Faculty of Agriculture has student dormitories on campus. The cost is not included in the tuition and depends on the type of room (single, single in a shared apartment, shared room).
Are there exams?
Yes, courses have final exams or assignments.
Are there any field trips?
There are professional field trips and cultural trips, such as to Jerusalem, Nazareth and Tel Aviv.
What are the entry requirements?
Candidates must hold a bachelor/B.Sc. degree from a recognized institution in a field that is relevant to the program they are applying to; a minimum undergraduate GPA of 80; a high level of English; and letters of recommendation.
If my degree is not in a relevant field, do you have a preparatory program or courses?
We do not offer preparatory courses.
Challenges during corona, classes online? Frontal learning?
During Covid-19 we were forced to switch to distance learning classes. However, our effort is to conduct the program coursework in the classroom and in the field.
Who is the program for?
The program is intended for students who are interested in agriculture, the environment, nutrition and animal science.
Does the Nutrition program qualify me to become a Registered Dietician?
No, it is not a clinical program.
Do I need to buy books?
The Faculty has a large library on campus and there is no requirement to buy books.
If I am an oleh chadash, do I get help from the Israeli government?
As an oleh chadash, you may get financial assistance from the Israeli government. For more information, visit The Ministry of Aliyah and Integration website.
International MSc Programs Tuition, Expenses and Payment Methods
One-year tuition (as of July 2024):
39,370 NIS (approx.) for international students (A limited number of partial and full scholarships are available)
31,496 NIS (approx.) for Israeli students/Olim hadashim
Additional fees: 1,083 NIS - campus security, welfare, national student union membership, HUJI student union membership
Application fee: $75
Tuition deposit:
Students receiving a scholarship through the International School of Agricultural Sciences: $500 deposit, payable upon acceptance of the scholarship offer. The deposit will be returned when the student completes all studies at the Faculty of Agriculture (including PhD if applicable).
Round-trip airfare to and from Israel: The student is responsible for funding airfare and/or other transportation to and from Israel.
Living expenses: Living expenses include food, personal supplies, apparel, transportation, etc. for one year. International School scholarship recipients are required to have funding for initial out-of-pocket expenses in October and November. The monthly scholarship stipend begins December 1.
Housing: International students typically reside in the student dormitories on the Faculty of Agriculture campus in Rehovot. Dormitory rent varies according to room type and availability: double room, single room, or single room in a shared apartment. Students granted scholarships through the International School of Agricultural Sciences are placed in double rooms. Off-campus housing is generally more expensive. The International School is unable to assist with off-campus housing.
Medical insurance: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem requires all international students to be covered by adequate health insurance for the duration of their stay in Israel. International School scholarship recipients will be provided with health insurance. Self-funding students are required to purchase comprehensive health insurance either privately or via the International School.
Estimated 12-month Program Costs for Self-Funding Students
Application Fee: $75
MSc tuition for international students (including additional fees): 40,453 NIS
Medical insurance for international students: 4,818 NIS (approx. 13.20 NIS per day)
Student dormitory (shared double room): 11,330 NIS
Living and extra-curricular expenses: $10,000
Application fee and deposit payment methods: Updated December 2024. The Hebrew University reserves the right to revise figures.
Registration and deposit fees are to be made using one of the following methods:
Bank name: Bank Ha-Poalim
Branch: 436
Address: 1 Hamarpe Street, Jerusalem
Account name: Hebrew University Jerusalem
Account number: 506076
IBAN: IL650124360000000506076
Swift code: POAL IL IT
*The transfer form should include the applicant's name and: Faculty of Agriculture, External Studies, MSC Application Fee
Thanks to the generous support of our scholarship sponsors, we are able to grant a limited number of full and partial scholarships to candidates who have been selected during a competitive review.
The vision of our scholarship sponsors is for scholars to be instruments of positive and just change by applying the knowledge and skills acquired at the Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment to benefit their home countries.
Types of scholarships
Scholarships are granted only to candidates from economically-developing countries.
Scholarship offers may be withdrawn and offered to applicants on the waiting list if the candidate does not meet the necessary requirements.
Scholarships are granted to candidates who have been accepted to one of the international MSc programs offered by the International School.
To apply for a scholarship, submit a completed scholarship application form together with your full online application during the application period of the program you are applying to.
There are a limited number of scholarships and scholarship selection is very competitive.
We strongly urge applicants to seek funding from other sources early in the application process. Other scholarship sources can be found at the link below.
Thanks to the generous support and committment of our scholarship sponsors, students from developing and economically transitioning countries have had the golden opportunity to study in one of our international graduate programs.
Scholarships have been generously donated by the following foundations and individuals:
Susie Fraser (Jonny Fraser Memorial Scholarship) with Roselyne Makau of Kenya
Dina Gidron of Pears Foundation with past Pears Scholars
Parasol Foundation Trust with past scholar from India
The International School grants a limited number of scholarships and the selection is extremely competitive. Even if awarded a scholarship, candidates must also have funding for the admission deposit, round-trip airfare and intial living expenses.
We encourage applicants to seek additional scholarship sources or an educational loan. It is very important to apply for these scholarships early and to allow several months to receive a decision.
In some countries, partial or full study scholarships are awarded by the Ministry of Agriculture or a National Committee for Research and Development. Some NGOs or places of employment also provide financial support for advanced studies.
There are various international sources to which candidates may apply for full or supplementary funding:
Each fund has strict eligibility criteria regarding the country of origin, work experience, previous studies, age, etc. Individuals must submit scholarship applications directly to these funds according to their deadlines and regulations. Requests are considered alongside others from around the world applying for scholarships in a variety of programs.
The Hebrew University has no role in the decision-making processes of these institutions. We will make every effort to provide official documentation requested by the sponsoring institution by their deadline.