MSc. Thesis Track

For the two-year research track offered by the Faculty of Agriculture, please click on the link for information and application procedure:


Research opportunities:



Transferring to the MSc Thesis Track

After succesful completion of the one-year MSc non-thesis program, students have the option to transfer to the thesis track at the Faculty of Agriculture.

Students who chose this option do not close their degree but instead continue for a research (thesis) degree. The course credits from the one-year non-thesis program will be transferred to the thesis track.

Students who transfer to the thesis track become part of the Faculty's regular master programs. Academic and administrative matters are transferred to the responsibility of the Faculty’s Student Affairs Office as well as the academic department in which the student will be conducting the thesis.

Academic criteria to transfer to the thesis track

The requirements for transferring to the thesis track are:

  • GPA of at least 80 (GPA of at least 85 is required to be considered for an International School scholarship).
  • Grades of at least 85 on both research methods and oral seminar.
  • Securing a thesis supervisor.
  • Approved thesis topic.
  • Recommendation from first-year research exercise advisor.
  • Adequate funding to complete the thesis track.


Expenses during this year include tuition, medical insurance, housing, visas and living expenses, which the student is responsible for paying. The International School grants a limited number of partial scholarships to a select number of applicants. The thesis advisor should commit to providing a matching monthly grant. Students are expected to contribute to the costs of the thesis track year, whether or not they are granted a scholarship.

Registration for the thesis track is done in October; therefore, students transferring to the thesis track will receive their first scholarship stipend and/or advisor grant on December 1st.  Students must be financially prepared for this not-funded period as well as throughout the year.